A proposed new state school for Holmview
Delivering new learning facilities to support enrolment growth
Melissa acknowledges pre-departmental public consultation has now closed. Our office is happy to take ongoing feedback in relation to the project and we look forward to notifying residences for the second round of public consultation becomes available.
The Queensland Government is committed to building, maintaining, improving and renewing schools across Queensland.
As part of this investment, the Department of Education is proposing to deliver a new state school at Holmview (previously
described by the department as Bahrs Scrub) which will open for Prep to Year 6 students for Term 1, 2026.
A site for the proposed new state school has been selected at 242 Wuraga Road, Holmview.
• classrooms
• specialist spaces
• an administration building
• covered areas
The location and concept master plan for the proposed new state school for Holmview is included overleaf, showing
the proposed facilities.
Current project scope
Funding has been allocated to deliver the proposed new state school in stages. The first stage will include:
- classrooms
- lifts
- staff and student amenities
- outdoor learning areas
- information and resource centre
- an administration building
- outside school hours care
- staff and visitor parking
- specialist spaces
- covered areas
- covered walkways
- track and field sport grounds.
- The proposed new state school will include a mix of one to three-storey buildings to provide the learning spaces needed
- upon opening while preserving land for future growth.
Future project scope
If enrolment growth at the proposed new state school at Holmview continues,
additional funding may be allocated to deliver future projects including:
• Stage 2 and 3 - additional classrooms and specialist spaces.
• Kindergarten- subject to future funding.
Next steps
As part of the planning process, the department will consider the traffic, heritage, vegetation, bushfire, acoustic and storm water impacts and mitigations. These outcomes will be used to develop the detailed design of the proposed new state school at Holmview.
Before a final planning decision is made, a second round of community consultation will take place outlining further project details, including final height and design.
As a member of the local community, the department welcomes your feedback, which will inform the planning and approval process.
For more information:
Email your feedback to Infrastructure.
until 16 June 2023.